Thursday, October 14, 2010


So this morning I woke on my friends floor. Cold tiles and a dog licking my face, really not that much fun! So i thought, you know what, I'll freshen up...Go for a run! I've always criticised and mocked people that run; always wondering what on earth they do whilst their legs pump stride after stride. Why not plug your ipod in and sit on the couch, much more comfier and relaxing. Fitness is still a myth to me.. But regardless of all that, I now know why people run! Holy fuck! It just opens up your eyes, you see so much. I think I've found my new daily routine (provided I dont wake up with a pitched tent and have to solve that problem first). I mean you really do see some amazing things. First off, you witness the miracle that is ''banging double D's''. I feel sorry for the poor woman. Those twin breasts bounce up and down so much, I'm sure she has a bruised chin and jaw! And I'll bet she has back problems the poor thing. Another thing you witness is dogs. And yeh sure, you can see your pet dog anytime at home when you call its name and offer it a tasty treat. But when your running you see dogs out in there natural habitat, and my goodness is it entertaining! They, still to today, remain the only animal I've ever seen sniff out their fellow canines faeces from miles away, and then proceed to sniff and lick around it. And if they're male, probably cock their leg up and take a fresh whizz over the smelly brown biscuit sitting on the ground. I mean, seriously dogs, when I visit the bathroom after a night out on the town and full of bourban, the smell I leave clears out suburbs (it sure as shit doesn't bring the dogs to my yard)! And certainly isn't an open invitation to the neighbours that I'm cooking breakfast. And lastly (I'll end on a soppy, emotional note), running just in general opens your eyes and mind. So many thoughts ran through my head, surprisingly including deep and meaningful life questions (very rare for me!). It seems I've found a new addition to my morning routine, I'm quite pleased I'll get more exercise than my right arm moving up and down vigorously...A full body workout!

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