Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Long a'waited' return...

Howdy folks, I'm back! Frank and his moist vagina is making a return to the typing scene! A few of my next posts will discuss the reasons of my recent absence from the scene of writing which is well validated. But for now, I will open with a quick discussion of my latest stories, mostly centreing ((centring) or however the fuck you spell it!) around watressing, or in my case 'amazetering' - a simple mix of the amazing service I provide whilst waitering tables  of miserable english folk. To be honest its a simple task. Now when i take orders i usually draw a random charicature of the person ordering instead of actually taking down there order... For example, a recent illustration I drew whilst disucussing how well a pork steak should be cooked, involved a rather large fat pig (not too dissimilar to the famous Babe from the series of films) having its tail played with by a mixture of vegetables the dish was served with in a variety of violating positions - Arousing I know! Anyways some of us require are beauty sleep (including the fat lady who ordered the pig instead of the goats cheese salad), and I best be off for the night, but will soon be back writing regularly, desperately seeking the approval of the grossly unintelligent people that are willing to read my dribble! Thanks ladies and gents